What is Clinical Pilates?

Pilates Clínico - Clínica 3D Physio

What is Clinical Pilates and what is it for?

You've probably heard of this therapeutic approach. But what exactly is this variant of Pilates?

First of all, it's important to understand what Pilates is.

Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century as a method of optimising his physical condition, which had been weakened early on by asthma and rheumatic fever. Later, during the First World War, he used these techniques with his fellow prisoners of war. Since then, it has evolved into a comprehensive practice that combines muscle strengthening exercises (with greater emphasis on core and postural stabilising muscles), stretching (and body mobility) and breath control.

Clinical Pilates

Increasingly recommended by the medical profession, the Clinical Pilates is a personalised method adapted to each person's individual needs. It is often used by physiotherapists as an effective way of rehabilitation and injury prevention, postural improvement, balance, coordination and breathing pattern. In Clinical Pilates, exercises are specifically selected and modified to suit each person's specific needs, taking into account their physical condition, injuries, medical history and health goals.

Clinical Pilates is suitable for all ages and can be applied individually or integrated into treatment plans for a wide variety of injuries.

Suitable for people with fibromyalgia, low back pain, neck pain, herniated discs, postural changes, some rheumatic diseases, after spinal surgery, among other medical conditions.

At Clínica 3D Physio, this method is integrated into individual physiotherapy sessions as well as specific clinical Pilates sessions and classes, and is always monitored by a physiotherapist trained in clinical Pilates. Our classes are made up of small groups of 5 to 6 people.

Clinical Pilates plays an important role in the 3D Physio Clinic's approach, as it allows us to effectively and safely achieve our clients' health goals, based on their full well-being, beyond the simple absence of disease.

Experimente uma aula de Pilates Clínico e descubra como esta prática pode transformar a sua saúde. Agende a sua sessão hoje mesmo e dê o primeiro passo rumo a uma vida mais saudável e ativa!


Picture of Márcio Pires - Fisioterapeuta / Osteopata

Márcio Pires - Physiotherapist / Osteopath

Order of Physiotherapists 2702. Specialist in Manual Therapy, Sports Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation of musculoskeletal conditions, Postural Correction, Clinical Pilates, Rehabilitation of the cranio-cervico-mandibular complex (Temporo-Mandibular joint dysfunctions), Visceral Osteopathy and Osteopathy in paediatrics.

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